Reproductive and menstrual history of females with fragile X expansions

FRAXA premutations have been associated with premature ovarian failure (POF) or menopause before the age of 40. We have studied women in families ascertained because of a mentally retarded full mutation relative and determined their age of menopause, serum hormone levels in premenopausal individuals and the outcome of any pregnancies. Survival analysis was used as a measure of menopause and demonstrated a significant decrease in age of menopause in premutation carriers compared with their full mutation carrier and normal relatives. Serum FSH was also raised in premutation carriers, although oestradiol, inhibin A and inhibin B were not significantly different. However, we did not find an excess of dizygous twins or pregnancy loss/trisomies, both of which are associated with aging ovaries. Thus premutation carriers as a group have an earlier menopause and raised serum FSH but do not appear to manifest other features of an aging ovary.