EPR Investigation of Irradiated Strontium and Zinc Acetate Single Crystals

X‐ray irradiation of strontium acetate hemihydrate produces CH3CȮ2 2− and not the methyl radical as in other acetates. At higher temperatures this spectrum is replaced with two magnetically distinct ·CH2CO2 − radicals. In the presence of the propionate ion, further reaction proceeds at about − 30°C to yield one rotamer of one magnetically distinct CH3ĊHCO2 − radical. The ratio of propionate/acetate damage at room temperature is found to be 700:1 in strontium acetate, indicating some mechanism for the delocalization of the damage. This same reaction with a substituted propionate ion occurs in zinc acetate with a ratio of 20:1. The coupling tensors for all species are presented.