The energy, wave function, and radial parameters of the low-lying triply excited resonances of the lithium atom are calculated using a saddle-point technique. A total of eleven resonances with Po2,Pe4,De2,Se2,Pe2, and Do2 symmetries are investigated. These results are used to identify the observed Auger spectra of Rødbro, Bruch, and Bisgaard. If the identifications suggested here are correct, then the agreement between the results of the present work with those of the experiment is excellent. The oscillator strengths and transition energies of these resonances in an optical absorption or emission process are calculated. In order to compute these oscillator strengths, the energies and wave functions of the Li 1s2s2pP4,1s2p2pP2, and 1s2s2sS2 states are also tabulated. The energies of the two bound states agree to within 0.013 eV with the highly accurate results in the literature. The result for the S2 resonance agrees with the more recent experiments and lies well within the quoted experimental error.