The Current Management of Bilateral Wilms Tumor

The good prognosis of synchronous bilateral Wilms tumor seems inappropriate for the magnitude of the disease process. Our experience with 11 cases demonstrates the unusual tumor response to chemotherapy and limited preservative surgery. Although 2 patients died 2 with metastatic disease have responded to chemotherapy and are alive at 5 and 8 years after treatment. In addition, 1 patient has survived with biopsy only and no definitive surgery. Although all surgical options have been used, ranging from biopsy alone to bench surgery with autotransplantation to bilateral nephrectomy, our experience demonstrates the effectiveness of a conservative approach with initial biopsy, chemotherapy and subsequent partial nephrectomy if needed. Our survival data and the histological examination of the tumors after chemotherapy suggest a strong relationship of bilateral Wilms tumor to the nodular renal blastema-nephroblastomatosis complex, and a mechanism to explain the excellent tumor response to chemotherapy.