Ultrastructural aspects of mechano‐ and chemoreceptors in Branchiobdella pentodonta (annelida, oligochaeta)

The surface receptors in Branchiobdella pentodonta consist of “sense buttons” prevalent on the prostomium, isolated sense cells all along the body of the animal, and free nerve endings. The “sense buttons” are uni‐ and multiciliated neurosensitive elements and supporting cells together with mucus glandular processes and muscle fibers. In the neurosensitive elements the cilia are always surrounded by cytoplasmic extroversion. The cytoplasm of the apical zone has abundant small dense granules, mitochondria, bands of tonofilaments, and microtubules. The cilium of uniciliated elements originates from three short roots. The highly vacuolated support cells surround the neurosensitive elements, separating them from each other. The “sense buttons” appear to be mechanoreceptors and chemoreceptors, and the isolated sense cells tactile mechanoreceptors, as are the free nerve endings. The surface receptors are compared with those of other Oligochaeta and Hirudinea.