DNA Sequence Patterns in Precisely Positioned Nucleosomes

Several investigators have recognized the importance of non-periodic DNA sequence information in determining the translational position of precisely positioned nucleosomes. The purpose of this study is to determine the extent of such information, in addition to the character of periodic information present. This is accomplished by examining the half-nucleosome DNA sequences of a considerable number of precisely positioned nucleosomes, and determining the probability of occurrence of each dinucleotide type as a function of position from the nucleosome center to the terminus (positions 0 to 72). By the nature of this procedure, no assumptions of periodicity are made. The results show the importance of several DNA sequence periodicities including 6–7, 10, and 21 base pairs, in addition to significant non- periodic information. The results demonstrate that each dinucleotide type is unique in terms of its positional preference in precisely positioned nucleosomes (for example AA≠TT). The probabilities of occurrence for the dinucleotide types can be used to predict the translational positions of a number of observed nucleosomes.