Effective-charge theory and the electronic stopping power of solids

Electronic stopping powers S of solids for penetrating ions are analyzed on the basis of effective-charge theory, and comprehensive comparisons are made to available data for random stopping. The effective projectile-ion charges Z1*e, extracted from the data agree to within experimental uncertainties with those calculated in a statistical model, for projectile atomic number ranging from Z1=1 to Z1=92 and for projectile velocity v1v0e2. The rise of Z1* with v1 fully accounts for an often-quoted apparent deviation of heavy-ion stopping power from the behavior expected in the limit v10. The Bloch and the Z13 corrections to the usual formula for S are calculated and found to make no appreciable contribution to presently available data, save possibly to one bromine datum. When v0v13v0 the analysis requires, and provides, an empirical velocity-dependent proton effective charge Zp*e. A theoretical account of Zp* is given in terms of velocity and energy criteria for electron stripping. Thomas-Fermi densities for heavy ions are used to calculate Z1*. Our results lead to an interpolation linear in v1 for the range 0v1v0 which gives satisfactory values for S in this low-velocity regime.