EBVD Combination Chemotherapy Plus Low Dose Involved Field Radiation is a Highly Effective Treatment Modality for Early Stage Hodgkin's Disease

To evaluate the efficacy of EBVD combination chemotherapy followed by low dose (LD) involved field (IF) radiation therapy (RT) in patients with clinical stage (CS) I-IIA Hodgkin's disease (HD), we analyzed 148 patients treated in our Unit from March 1988 to November 1995. EBVD consisted of Epirubicine 40 mg/m2, Bleomycin 10 mg/m2, Vinblastine 6 mg/m2 and Dacarbazine 300 mg. All drugs were administered i.v. at days 1 and 15, every 4 weeks, for a total of 4-6 cycles. LDIF RT (24-32 Gy) was scheduled for patients with complete response (CR) or >90% reduction of tumor load, after EBVD. Patients with stable or progressive disease (SD, PD) after EBVDx3 or poor compliance to the regimen received mantle or inverted Y RT at standard dose. The median follow-up of patients currently alive was 71.5 months. 129 patients achieved a CR after EBVD and 10 a >90% reduction of tumor load, for a post-CT response rate of 94%. Eight patients had SD after EBVDx3 and one had a partial response with poor compliance. All 9 patients received mantle or inverted Y RT and 8/9 achieved a CR. Nine patients relapsed at a median of 7 months from the end of treatment. At 10 years, FFS was 90% and overall survival 95%. Six patients have died so far; 5 of HD and one of stroke. One patient developed a diffuse large cell lymphoma 48 months after the diagnosis of HD. We conclude that EBVD followed by LDIF RT is a highly effective regimen for patients with CS I-IIA HD. Longer follow up is required to assess the risk of secondary malignancies, especially solid tumors.