Goedert, J. J. (Environmental Epidemiology Branch, Nd, Bethesda, MD 20205), R. J. Biggar, D. M. Winn, D. L Mann, D. P. Byar, D. M. Strong, R. A. DiGlola, R. J. Grossman, W. C. Sanchez, R. G. Kase, M. H. Greene, R. N. Hoover, and W. A. Blattner. Decreased helper T lymphocytes in homosexual men. I. Sexual contact in high-incidence areas for the acquired immunodeficlency syndrome. Am J Epldemloi 1985;121:637–44. In June 1982, the sexual practices of 245 homosexual male outpatients of private physicians were evaluated In relationship to decreased numbers of helper T lymphocytes, an abnormality that is characteristic of the acquired immunode ficiency syndrome (AIDS). Three risk groups were defined a prlorl–85 high-risk men from centrel Manhattan (“New York”), 98 intermedlate-,Isk men from Wash ington, DC, with AIDS-area homosexual contacts (“Washington-exposed”), and 64 low-risk Washington, DC, men without such contacts (“Washington-unex posed”). An increasing number of homosexual partners was correlated with decreasing helper I-cell counts (R = −0.29, p = 0.009) and decreasing helper.suppressor T-cell ratios (R = −0.32. p = 0.005) In the entire study group combined and in New York subjects separately. Suppressor T-cell counts were unrelated to the number of partners in all three groups. Increasingly frequent receptive anal intercourse correlated with decreasing helper T-cell counts most clearly in the New York City group (R = −0.23, p = 0.04), somewhat less so in the Washington-exposed group (R = −0.18, p = 0.07), and not at all in the Washington-unexposed group (R = −0.09, p = 0.48). ThIs association persisted In the New York and Washington-exposed groups after adjusting for seven other sexual practices, the number of homosexual partners, and five other potentially confounding variables. A transmissible agent associated with receptive anal Intercourse best explains these data. The cause of these low helper T-ceIl counts may also be the cause of AIDS.