The diffusion-in-gel enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (DIG-ELISA) is a new and simple method for quantitation of antibodies, based on the ability of antibodies to diffuse from wells in gel and adsorb to antigen which is bound to a polystyrene surface. The antigen-antibody reaction is visualized with a color reaciton caused by horseradish peroxidase-conjugated class-specific anti-immunoglobins. This method was used to study the IgG, A and M immune response to S. typhi O antigen in individuals immunized with a monovalent heat-inactivated typhoid vaccine. The antibody values obtained by the DIG-ELISA method correlated with those evaluated by conventional direct agglutination (Widal) and indirect hemagglutination methods. The DIG-ELISA method was also sensitive, specific and economical and suitable for handling large numbers of sera while requiring very simple equipment.