Effect of sensitization and non‐antibody IgE on 48/80 induced histamine release from isolated rat mast cells

Histamine release from isolated rat mast cells from non‐immunized and immunized Hooded Lister rats was induced by compound 48/80. The histamine release was decreased with a lower maximum at the optimal concentration of 48/80 when using cells from immunized rats compared to non‐immunized control rats. The stimulation of IgE antibody production, after immunization using B. pertussis as an adjuvant was also accompanied by an elevation of total serum IgE. The 48/80 induced histamine release from Sprague Dawley mast cells was not inhibited by immunization. Non‐antibody IgE showed a non‐competitive inhibition of 48/80 induced histamine release when myeloma IgE was incubated with mast cells from both Hooded Lister and Sprague Dawley rats. The results indicate the existence of different receptors for IgE and 48/80.