L2,3M4,5M4,5 Auger spectra of free Ga and Ge atoms

The L2,3M4,5M4,5 Auger-electron spectra of Ga and Ge have been measured for the first time from their atomic vapors with use of electron-impact excitation. The spectra have also been calculated theoretically by taking explicitly into account the partially filled outermost shell. The satellite structure arising from doubly ionized initial states has been investigated by calculating relativistically the energies of satellite lines and comparing them with the experimental spectra. The comparison with the solid-state Auger spectra gives for the free-atomsolid energy shifts 19.1 eV for Ga and 18.7 eV for Ge, by using vacuum and Fermi levels as the reference levels for free atoms and solid samples, respectively. These shift values agree well with the estimates calculated by the semiempirical thermochemical model.