Continuous wave terahertz generation up to 2THz by photomixing on ion-irradiated In0.53Ga0.47As at 1.55μm wavelengths

We report the generation of continuous terahertz waves from microwave frequencies of up to 2THz obtained by photomixing two optical waves at 1.55μm wavelengths in ion-irradiated In0.53Ga0.47As interdigitated photomixers. A 200nm thick silicon nitride coating is used for antireflection and passivation layer, improving the reliability and the heat tolerance of the photomixer. In such devices, output powers greater than 40nW at 0.5THz and 10nW at 1THz have been achieved. Considering the observed saturation of the output power with the increase of bias voltage, the optimum excitation conditions regarding optical power and bias voltage are discussed.