The Protein, Peptide, and Free Amino-Acid Contents of some Species of Marine Algae from Bombay

The technique of circular paper chromatography was utilized for the isolation, confirmation and estimation of amino-acids in the proteins, peptides, and free state, in twelve species of marine algae collected from Bombay. Amino-acid constituents of diverse marine-algal proteins do not vary greatly in quality, but vary significantly in the amounts present. These constituents vary both in quality and quantity in the peptides and in the free state. Almost all the constituent amino-acids of proteins occur either consistently or occasionally in the peptides and in the free state. Moreover, some additional ones are also found occasionally which are not recorded in the proteins. It has also been observed that each algo has its own amino-acid pattern in the proteins, peptides, and the free state, which may not confirm to the general pattern of the class.