Effect of Benzimidazole on Experimental Poliomyelitis in Mice and Monkeys.

The influence of benzimidazole on exptl. poliomyelitis in mice and monkeys was investigated. The subcut. administration of 250 mg./kg. prolonged the incubation period of infection with the Lansing strain of Type 2 poliomyelitis in mice and reduced the mortality caused by minimal quantities of this virus. Infection of adult mice with intracerebrally inoculated MEF-1 strain of Type 2 virus was not affected by this compound, which even appeared to enhance infection in suckling mice inoculated intraperit. with this same strain. In monkeys, the incubation period of infection with the Mahoney strain of Type 1 virus was prolonged slightly by limited treatment with benzimidazole, but the mortality was not reduced. More intensive treatment was without effect. The advisability of further work with this and structurally similar compounds is discussed.