Ligand displacement immunoassay: a novel enzyme immunoassay demonstrated for measuring theophylline in serum.

We describe a ligand displacement immunoassay for measurement of theophylline in serum or plasma and show it to be clinically useful. A conjugate of theophylline-specific antiserum covalently bound to micro-crystalline cellulose and a beta-galactosidase-labeled theophylline derivative is prepared as a lyophilized reagent. Sample is added to the conjugate and, after 5-min incubation at room temperature, the bound and displaced enzyme-ligand are separated by brief centrifugation. The enzyme activity of the displaced enzyme-ligand is measured on a spectrophotometer or centrifugal analyzer. Linear calibration curves are obtained with appropriate sample dilution, allowing generation of the standard curve with a saline zero reference and a single calibrator. Performance of the assay compares favorably with that of other theophylline assays; comparison studies with use of 145 clinical specimens gave a coefficient of correlation with EMIT of 0.97.