Trace elements and the synthesis of vitamin B12 by Streptomyces olivaceus

A glucose-inorganic salt medium has been rendered as free as possible from extraneous metal ions, and the effect of some trace elements on growth and synthesis of vitamin B12 by Streptomyces olivaceus has been studied. In such a system Fe and Zn are essential for synthesis of vitamin B12 and Co at low levels is stimulatory. Cu favors both growth and synthesis of vitamin B12 up to 10 ppm M, Cr and Mn are favorable for growth up to 5, 2 and 100 ppm respectively but have no significant effect on the synthesis of the vitamin. N is inhibitory to both growth and synthesis of the vitamin at concentrations as low as 0.2 ppm, whereas B inhibits only the growth. Mg can be totally replaced by Mn in the medium.