All-fiber absolute temperature sensor using an unbalanced high-birefringence Sagnac loop

We demonstrate a highly sensitive temperature sensor based on a stress-induced high-birefringence-fiber Sagnac loop that uses a Nd-doped-fiber amplified spontaneous emission source. Relative temperature sensing is done in the spectral domain by shifts of a resonant wavelength λr and absolute temperature sensing by changes in separation between resonances Δλ. The measured relative change of these parameters with temperature in the range 15–110 °C, is 1/λrδλr/δT=-1/ΔλδΔλ/δT1/ΔnδΔn/δT-0.94±0.02×10-3/K, with measured fiber birefringence Δn=8×10-4. This gives a wavelength-shift sensitivity of -1.00 nm/K at 1.065 µm and a resonance separation sensitivity of 0.006 nm/K for Δλ=6.8 nm. This telemetric point sensor has a loop length of 80 m, an operational bandwidth of more than 50 nm, and a temperature accuracy of better than 1 °C.