Variation in strains assignable to the T. longibrachiatum Rifai and T. pseudokoningii Rifai species aggregates was studied. Morphological similarities allows their assignment to 1 section in Trichoderma, sect. LONGIBRACHIATUM characterized and differentiated from other species of Trichoderma by the sparsely branched conidiophores having a high proportion of solitary phialides. Cultural characteristics include rapid growth and the production of characteristic bright yellow-green pigments visible in the colony reverse. Two new species are described in the section: T. citrinoviride Bissett has ellipsoidal conidia smaller than in the other species and conidiophore branching similar to that in T. pseudokoningii; T. atroviride Bissett has relatively large, ellipsoidal conidia and a very sparse branching system with curved or sinuous conidiophores, branches and phialides.

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