Plasma homocysteine in vascular disease and in nonvascular dementia of depressed elderly people

Depression among elderly people with reversible cognitive loss often manifests with concomitant vascular disease and can also precede the development of nonvascular degenerative dementia. Little is known about etiological factors for reversible or irreversible dementias in older depressed people. The amino acid homocysteine (HC), which is both a vascular disease risk factor and a precursor of the excitotoxic amino acids cysteine and homocysteic acid, could play a role in the pathophysiology of such individuals. Twenty-seven depressed elderly acute inpatients by DSM-III-R criteria had significantly higher plasma homocysteine levels and lower cognitive screening test scores than did 15 depressed young adult inpatients. HC was highest in the older patients who had concomitant vascular diseases (n = 14). HC was lowest in the older depressives who had neither vascular illnesses nor dementia (n = 8), comparable to the young adult depressives. Higher HC correlated significantly with poorer cognition only in the nonvascular geriatric patients (rs = -0.53). The findings extend earlier work showing higher HC in vascular patients from general medical populations, and also suggest a possible metabolic factor in certain dementias associated with late-life depression.