The optical density between 2400 and 7000 Å of the vapor in equilibrium with Si–Te samples containing between 10 and 100 at.% Te was measured for sample temperatures between 500° and 940°C. The partial pressures of Te2(g), pTe2 , were obtained from the optical densities at 4357, 5000, and/or 5500 Å, where SiTe(g) does not absorb. A plot of pTe2 vs 103 / T shows the existence of a single compound, Si2Te3(c), whose homogeneity range falls within outer limits of 59.45 and 60.50 at.% Te and ends at a peritectic temperature of 892°C. X‐ray powder diffraction patterns indicate the Si2Te3(c) phase is the same as that previously identified by some authors as SiTe2(c). The net SiTe(g) optical densities at 2708 and 2893 Å were determined and found to be in constant ratio to one another. For 0.4 Si(c) + 0.6 Te(1)→Si0.4Te0.6(c), the standard Gibbs free‐energy change is ΔGf° = − 5.754 + 3.904(10−3)T kcal / g‐atom between 604° and 892°C. For the reaction Si(g) + 12Te2(g) → SiTe(g) , it is ΔGf° = − 74.86 + 15.77(10−3)T kcal / mole (700°–892°C).

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