The relationship between the conc. of total chromogenic substance (Jaffe reaction) in plasma and its rate of urinary excretion was studied in normal and nephritic individuals before and after ingestion of creatinine. Points obtained by plotting these values against each other fell along a straight line whose slope was such as to indicate that when urine excretion fell to its hypothetical zero there must still have been about 0.5 mgm. % of chromogen in the plasma. This fraction is assumed not to be true creatinine since it either does not appear in glomerular filtrate or is reabsorbed by the renal tubules. Furthermore, plasma clearance of endogenous "creatinine" was appreciably lower than that of total chromogenic substance after creatinine ingestion, but when the latter values were arbitrarily corrected for this small amt. of apparent non-creatinine chromogenic material the clearances became identical with those estimated on the basis of exogenous creatinine alone.

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