The resonant scattering of electron bremsstrahlung by an enriched sample of Nd142 has been studied for photon energies of up to 5 MeV. It provides estimates of the radiative widths for 13 levels. Based on the relative yields at scattering angles of 96° and 126°, unambiguous spin assignments were made to 6 of these levels. Where feasible, the yield measurements were supplemented by self-absorption data and by linear polarization studies. For the strongest excitation, at 3.425 MeV, the resonance fluorescence experiments led to its identification as a 1 state with a radiative width Γ0=370±45 MeV. The corresponding E1 strength is comparable to the E1 strengths measured in other even-even N=82 nuclei for the 1 member of the quintuplet arising from the coupling of the lowest octupole vibration to the 21+ level. The sum of the excitation energies of the 21+ state and the 31 state in Nd142 is consistent with such an interpretation of the 3.425-MeV level.