Summary. A linear increase from 933 to 15,943 ppmw of copper occurred in hydrilla (Hydrilla verticillata Casp.) 4 days after treatment with copper sulphate pentahydrate (CUSO4. 5H2O, CSP) at 0·5–4·0 ppmw of copper. Neither increase in calcium levels to 0·8 MM in the ambient solution nor aeration affected the amount of copper in excised hydrilla tissue during a 24‐h treatment period with CSP at 1·0 ppmw of copper. Part of the accumulated copper appeared to be bound in hydrilla. A higher accumulation of copper occurred after treatment with an organic copper complex (cutrine) than with either CSP or copper chloride (CuCI2.2H2O, at 1·0 ppmw of copper. This high accumulation with cutrine appeared to be related principally to the amount of copper remaining in the treatment solution.