Participation of cellular thiol/disulphide groups in the uptake, degradation and bioactivity of insulin in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes

The effects on the uptake (cell-associated 125I) and degradation (125I-labelled products released into the medium) of 125I-insulin and bioactivity (protein, glycogen and lipid synthesis) of insulin caused by altering the cellular thiol/disulphide status in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes were studied. Incubation of hepatocyte cultures with various exogenous thiol compounds (reduced glutathione, 2-mercaptoethanol, cysteamine, dithiothreitol) resulted in increased insulin binding, but markedly decreased degradation and bioactivity. These effects could be reversed by washing or by the addition of oxidized glutathione, which alone had no effect. When cultures were exposed to certain thiol-modifying reagents (N-ethylmaleimide, p-chloromercuribenzoate, p-chloromercuribenzenesulphonate, iodoacetamide, iodoacetate), some decreases in bioactivity were evident, but the pronounced decrease in insulin degradation observed with the thiol-containing compounds was not observed with this class of compounds. None of the thiol-containing or -modifying agents tested had any significant effect on cellular ATP concentrations, indicating that the effects observed were due to perturbation of the thiol/disulphide status. Depletion of intracellular glutathione by DL-buthionine SR-sulphoximine (a specific inhibitor of glutathionine biosynthesis) decreased the syntheses of glycogen and lipid by about one-half, while having essentially no effect on protein synthesis, ATP concentrations or on the binding and degradation of insulin. The data presented here indicate that although intracellular thiol (glutathione) concentrations may be important for the maintenance of full expression of certain biological activities (glycogen and lipid synthesis), the thiol/disulphide groups on the cell surface and those immediately inside the cell membrane may be more critical in the mediation of insulin action, including the degradation and bioactivity of insulin in primary cultures of rat hepatocytes.