Psychopathy And Treatment Response In Incarcerated Female Substance Abusers

The authors rated 404 incarcerated female participants in a substance abuse treatment efficacy study using either the Hare Psychopathy Checklist–Revised (PCL-R) or the Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version (PCL:SV). Participants were then randomly assigned among three treatment conditions. Psychopathy scores were significantly associated with poor treatment response with regard to program retention, removal for serious non-compliance, violent and disruptive rule violations, avoidance of urinalysis testing, treatment module attendance, and therapist ratings. Cox regression analyses indicated that psychopathy scores (particularly Factor 1 scores) better predicted new charges in the community than a combination of other variables. The authors concluded that Hare psychopathy scores can be used validly for assessment for placement, risk assessment, and individual treatment planning for female offenders.