Observation of two resonancelike structures in the π+χc1 mass distribution in exclusive B¯0Kπ+χc1 decays

We report the first observation of two resonancelike structures in the π+χc1 invariant mass distribution near 4.1GeV/c2 in exclusive B¯0Kπ+χc1 decays. From a Dalitz plot analysis in which the π+χc1 mass structures are represented by Breit-Wigner resonance amplitudes, we determine masses and widths of: M1=(4051±1441+20)MeV/c2, Γ1=(821722+21+47)MeV, M2=(42482935+44+180)MeV/c2, and Γ2=(1773961+54+316)MeV; and product branching fractions of B(B¯0KZ1,2+)×B(Z1,2+π+χc1)=(×105 and (×105, respectively. Here the first uncertainty is statistical, the second is systematic. The significance of each of the π+χc1 structures exceeds 5σ, including the systematic uncertainty from various fit models. This analysis is based on 657×106 BB¯ events collected at the Υ(4S) resonance with the Belle detector at the KEKB asymmetric-energy e+e collider.