Assessment of Nicotinic Acid Status of Population Groups

The excretion of N1-methyl-2-pyridone-5-carboxylamide (2-pyridone) and N1-methyl-nicotinamide (N1-Me) per gram creatinine was determined on 2- and 24-hour urine specimens collected from twelve apparently healthy, well fed white adults. Similar results were obtained with the 2- and 24-hour urine specimens, and it was therefore decided that only 2-hour urine specimens need be collected for the purpose of nutrition surveys. The ratio of 2-pyridone to N1-Me excreted was calculated for each of the twelve subjects and correlated with the dietary tryptophan and nicotinic acid intake. The ratios found in these subjects were then used to evaluate the nicotinic acid status of white and Bantu primary school children in the Pretoria area. The ratios found in the white children were, in the majority of cases, suggestive of a high nicotinic acid intake, whereas the majority of the Bantu children had ratios suggestive of deficiency or near deficiency.