Comportement alimentaire du Lapin de Garenne élevé en captivité. III. — Etude des rythmes d'ingestion d'aliment et d'eau en lumière permanente

Feeding and drinking rhythms of 7 wild rabbits reared in captivity were studied. The animals were first subjected to a light/darkness ratio of 14:10 (lights on at 0700 h) during 1 mo. They were then placed under continuous light (L:L) during 3 mo. In continuous light (L:L) the feed and water intakes followed free running rhythms. The intake rhythm was greatly attenuated in 1 animal. For the other 6 animals the period varied between 24.8 and 25.9 h with a mean of 25.3 .+-. 0.4 h. The feeding and drinking rhythms of the wild rabbit may be of endogenous origin as demonstrated for the excretion of cecotrophes.