Effect of processing variables on the quality of dehydrated carrot

Summary: Leaching of soluble solids had a considerable effect on the stability of carrot during drying and storage. Carotenoid destruction and lipid oxidation increased with increased leaching of soluble constituents. Non‐enzymic browning and pH changes decreased and rehydration properties improved as the result of leaching of soluble solids. Increased leaching of soluble solids, though favourable for extending the storage life regarding non‐enzymic browning, encouraged carotenoid destruction. A maximum storage life of ninety‐six days at 37°C was obtained at a leaching loss of 5.7% soluble solids, which is slightly lower than that produced by a water dip treatment after steam blanching of carrot. Optimization of post‐blanch treatments is required to maximize storage life and to minimize nutrient losses.