Catecholamine accumulation in neural crest cells and the primary sympathetic chain

Catecholamine accumulation in chick embryos of stages 16 to 24 was investigated using formaldehyde-induced fluorescence. Fluorescence first appeared at stage 21 in the anterior sympathetic chain. After L-DOPA treatment, this fluorescence appeared at stage 18. Noradrenaline could not advance the onset of fluorescence or reconstitute fluorescence after its depletion by reserpine at stages 22 to 24. Under no conditions could fluorescence be identified in neural crest cells prior to their aggregation to form the primary sympathetic chain. Noradrenaline induced fluorescence in the neural tube, notochord, myotome, sclerotome, gut mesenchyme and suprarenal cortical cells. In addition to these structures, the dorsal pancreas and some blood cells were fluorescent after 1-DOPA treatment. The implication of the results for the neural crest origin of APUD (Amine Precursor Uptake Decaboxylase) cells is considered.