Polar Transport of Kinetin in Tissues of Radish

Polar transport of kinetin-8-(14)C occurred in segments of petioles, hypocotyls, and roots of radish (Raphanus sativus L.). The polarity was basipetal in petioles and hypocotyls and acropetal in roots. In segments excised from seedlings with fully expanded cotyledons, indole-3-acetic acid was required for polarity to develop. In hypocotyl segments isolated at this stage, basipetal and acropetal movements were equal during the first 12 hours of auxin treatment after which time acropetal movement declined. Pretreatment with auxin eliminated this delay in the appearance of polarity. In hypocotyl segments excised from seedlings with expanding cotyledons, exogenous auxin was unnecessary for polarity. Potassium cyanide abolished polarity at both stages of growth by allowing increased acropetal movement. The rate of accumulation of kinetin in receiver blocks was greater than the in vivo increase in cytokinin content of developing radish roots.