Continuous crystallization of potassium carbonate

Continuous crystallization of potassium carbonate was investigated in a mixed suspension mixed product removal (MSMPR) crystallizer with 7.0 1 working volume. Highly polydispersed product was obtained, with x50 varying between 320 and 670 μm. Crystal growth rates can be described by the model of Abegg, Stevens and Larson (ASL) (size dependent crystal growth rate). Values of G0 = 8.6 × 10−9 to 3.6 × 10−8 m/s and B0/φ = 2.7 × 108 to 4.2 × 109 1/m3s were obtained for mT = 45 to 92 kg/m3 and ε = 0.45 ± 0.05 W/kg. Nucleation kinetics at 27 °C can be described by the equation: B0/φ = kBφsε0.73G02.5. Since G0 ∝ σ, convection and/or diffusion rather than surface integration are the crystal growth controlling mechanisms.