Structure ofSb116nucleus

The γ-ray and internal conversion electron spectra of the In113(α,nγ)116Sb reaction have been measured at 14.5 and 16.0 MeV bombarding α-particle energies with Ge(HP) γ and superconducting magnetic lens plus Si(Li) electron spectrometers. The energies and relative intensities of 189 Sb116 γ rays (including 117 new ones), as well as internal conversion coefficients of 59 Sb116 transitions, have been determined. γγ coincidences have also been measured at Eα=16 MeV. Both low-spin and high-spin level schemes have been deduced and 32 new levels have been identified. Multipolarities of transitions and γ-ray branching ratios have been determined. The energy spectrum and electromagnetic properties have been calculated in the interacting-boson-fermion-fermion model (IBFFM), and satisfactory agreement between the experimental and theoretical results has been obtained.