The effect of chemical abbreviation of the primary infection dose (PID) of 160 infective larvae of Metastrongylus apri on the immune status of the guinea-pig host was studied. The criteria used for assessing the status of immunity consisted of clinical manifestations following administration of a challenge infection dose (CID) of 800 infective larvae of M. apri, the rate of worm recovery 15 days post-CID and the rate of mortality following administration of CID.Among the guinea-pigs of the main experimental group, where 15-day-old PID was abbreviated by two parenteral doses of levamisole*, a strong immunity to CID given 35 days post-PID was built-up. Against this, all the guinea-pigs of a control group, which did not receive PID, died between 16 and 22 days post-CID.The increase in serum gamma-globulin level of the guinea-pigs, where the PID was abbreviated chemically, suggested that the rise of this globulin fraction in the serum could be in some way related to the resistant state of guinea-pigs.