Absolute state-to-state total cross sections for the reactions N+2(X̃,v′=0–2) +Ar(1S)→N2(X,v)+Ar+(2P3/2,1/2)

Absolute state-selected total cross sections σv′, v′=0 and 1, for the reaction N+2(X̃,v′=0,1) +Ar(1S0)→N2(X,v)+Ar+(2P3/2,1/2) [reaction (1)] over the center-of-mass collisional energy (Ec.m.) range of 1.2–140 eV have been measured using the photoionization mass spectrometric and radio frequency ion guide methods. These measurements, together with the relative values for σv′, v′=0–2, and spin-orbit-state distributions of product Ar+ ions determined using the crossed ion-neutral beam photoionization apparatus, allow the determination of the absolute values for σ2 and partial state-to-state cross sections σv′→J, v′=0–2, for reaction (1). Absolute values for σv′, v′=0–2, at Ec.m.=8 and 20 eV are in good agreement with those determined previously by the threshold photoelectron secondary ion coincidence method. Absolute values for σv′→J, v′=0–2, at Ec.m.=8 and 20 eV are also found to be in satisfactory accord with the predictions of the semiclassical multistate calculation which uses the ab initio potential energy surfaces of the [N2+Ar]+ system. Experimental state-to-state cross sections obtained in this study are consistent with those for the reaction Ar+(2P3/2)+N2(X,v=0)→Ar(1S0)+N+2 (X̃,v′) from the consideration of microscopic reversibility.