Time-dependent spectrum of resonance fluorescence for atoms prepared in pure dressed states

We study the transient fluorescence spectra of two-level atoms driven by a strong optical field when the atoms are initially prepared in pure dressed states of the atom-field Hamiltonian. Spectra obtained here differ qualitatively from those observed in the steady state. In the case of steady-state resonant excitation, a three-peaked spectrum symmetric about the laser frequency is obtained; with pure-dressed-state preparation, the symmetry of the spectrum about the driving field is brokenone side peak is initially enhanced and the other is initially suppressed. Furthermore, the temporal oscillations of fluorescence intensity observed in previous calculations of transient fluorescence spectra appropriate to atoms prepared in a superposition of dressed states [J. H. Eberly et al., J. Phys. B 13, 217 (1980)] are suppressed when pure-dressed-state preparation is considered.