Analysis of Differential Gene Expression by Ligation Specificity-Based Transcript Profiling

An open architecture mRNA profiling technology, LEAD (Ligation specificity-based Expression Analysis Display), was developed for studying differential gene expression. This method utilizes restriction enzymes with Nm degeneracy in their recognition/cleavage sequences to fractionate cDNA population (N represents any one of the four possible bases; while m ≥ 1, represents the number of degenerate bases). The fractionated cDNAs are subpooled by selective ligation with specific adapters, and then amplified and labeled by PCR. Fluorescent-labeled cDNA fingerprints are separated by electrophoresis as distinct bands with unique size and sequence, and quantified electronically by using the LEAD Finder program. The specificity of ligation and the uniform efficiency of PCR reaction allow precise quantification of differential gene expression among samples. Transcripts of low abundance (1/100,000 copies) can be detected, allowing the status of nearly all mRNA to be monitored. Because of its sequence independence, this technology can be used to monitor gene expression in both model and nonmodel systems lacking whole genome information. It can also be applied to separate and collect different cDNA species fingerprints to build a nonredundant EST library for microarray and other applications.