Antibody Responses to Human Diploid Cell Vaccine for Rabies with and Without Human Rabies Immune Globulin

One hundred one volunteers with no exposure to rabies were given human diploid cell vaccine (HDCV) for rabies with or without 20 international units of human rabies immune globulin (HRIG)/kg of body weight to evaluate schedules for therapy with HDCV and HRIG after exposure. All of the volunteers who received three or more doses of HDCV alone or four or more doses of HDCV with HRIG developed high titers of neutralizing antibodies by day 35, which persisted for at least 60 days. By day 7, of the 61 volunteers given HRIG and HDCV, 53% had neutralizing antibodies by a mouse neutralization test and 67% had neutralizing antibodies by a rapid fluorescent focus inhibition test. Similar antibody levels were found in volunteers given HRIG alone, a finding which suggests that low or undetectable early titers after administration of HDCV and HRIG were due to inadequate HRIG dosage rather than any interaction between the passive antibody (HRIG) and the vaccine antigen. These results suggest that trials with 30 or 40 international units of HRIG/kg in combination with HDCV are warranted.