Effects of epoxidation on the actions of normorphine, norcodeine, N-allynormorphine(nalorphine) and N-allylnorcodeine on the electrically stimulated guinea pig ileum.

The effects of epoxidation of normorphine, N-allylnormorphine (nalorphine) and N-allylnorcodeine on the twitch response of guinea pig ileum to electrical stimulation were studied. Normorphine, norcodeine and their epoxides are narcotic agonists, while nalorphine, N-allylnorcodeine and their epoxides are agonist-antagonists. The agonistic effects (via .mu.-receptor) of normorphine and norcodeine were not influenced by epoxidation of the 7,8-double bond. Epoxidation also little influenced the competitive antagonistic action (via .mu.-receptor) of nalorphine and N-allylnorcodeine against morphine. The agonistic action (via .kappa.-receptor) of nalorphine and N-allylnorcodeine was considerably decreased by epoxidation.