Adrenal Response of the Newborn Calf to Acute Inanition and Colostral Feeding

Hyperadrenalemia from inanition in neonatal calves and the influence of elevated postpartum concentrations of cortisol in serum on intestinal absorption of colostral Ig were studied. Feeding of newborn Holstein-Friesian calves was delayed up to 24 h after parturition. Concentrations of cortisol in serum were measured at 0, 12, 24 and 40 h following birth. Delaying colostrum intake 8 h or more elevated cortisol concentrations in serum at 24 h postpartum. Adrenal response as indicated by concentrations of cortisol in serum followed a positive linear trend with delay in feeding. Concentrations of cortisol also were increased acutely by ingestion of colostrum following inanition. As time elapsed after the feeding, concentration of cortisol in serum decreased. Partial correlations were negative between concentrations of cortisol and maximum IgG but not IgM or IgA.