A series of amorphous Fe80−xMxB14Si6 (M=Mn, V, Cr, and x=2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, and 14 at. %) alloys have been made by the spinning‐wheel method. We have measured the density δ, saturation magnetization Ms , electrical resistivity ρ0, Hall resistivity ρH, and magnetoresistance Δρ/ρ0 of each sample at room temperature. The anomalous Hall coefficient Rs is determined from the relation ρH=R0B+RsMs. Rs is found to vary as Rs=Aρ1.70. The density, magnetization, and magnetoresistance are all decreasing functions of x. The Curie temperature TC is determined from the low‐field thermomagnetization data and the Arrott plot. The positive forced magnetoresistivities are discussed from the viewpoint of the current models.