Enhanced polymer one‐step staining (EPOS) for proliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) and Ki‐67 antigen: Application to intra‐operative frozen diagnosis

Enhanced polymer one‐step staining (EPOS) is a novel, highly sensitive one‐step immunostaining method. This simple and rapid technlque was applied to intra‐operattve frozen diagnosis. The markers of choice were proliferating cell nuclear anmen (PCNA) and Ki‐67 antigen. These cell prollferation markers were both identifiable in fresh frozen see tions of the human tonsil In approximately 7 min. The suitable staining sequences are as follows. Frozen sections prepared using 3‐aminopropyitimethoxysilane‐cpated glass slides are immediately fixed, without air drying, for 15s in a mixture of 50% formalin and 50% methanol for PCNA, and in 10% formalln for Ki‐67 antigen. After a brief rinse in phosphate‐buffered saline (PSS), sections are incubated with the EPOS antibody for 3 min, followed by PBS rinse for 1 min. The peroxidase activity is visualized in diaminobenzidine‐H2O2 solution containing 10mmol/L imidazole for 2 min. After a light rinse in tap water, the nuclei are briefly counterstained with 5% methyl green. When necessary, endogenous peroxi‐dase blockage in 1% periodic acid solution for 1 min is added before the EPOS antibody incubation. This procedure is applicable to frozen sections of gastric cancers, malignant lymphomas, and brain, liver and peritoneal lesions in which differential diagnosis between benignancy and malignancy was required.

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