DNA Radiolysis by Fast Neutrons

The effects of fast neutron irradiation on DNA were studied using DNA of the pBR322 plasmid (4362 base pairs), and the results compared to those obtained with 60Co gamma rays. Irradiation of the plasmid DNA in solution with a neutrons beam (p34 + Be) of the CERI (CNRS Orléans) cyclotron (with a flat energy spectrum from 34 MeV to low energies) results in half the yield of single-strand breaks (ssb), and 1·5 times higher yield of double-strand breaks (dsb) for neutrons as compared to gamma-rays. Possible specificity of the neutron-induced breaks was examined: the scavenging of OH· radicals by 0·1 mol dm−3 ethanol inhibits all neutron-induced ssb, but only 85 per cent of the dsb. For gamma-irradiation, both ssb and dsb are completely inhibited in these conditions. These results suggest at least three different origins for neutron-induced dsb. The occurrence of around 30 per cent of dsb can be explained by a radical transfer mechanism (proposed by Siddiqi and Bothe (1987) for gamma-irradiation). Around 55 per cent of dsb may be due to the non-random distribution of radicals in high-density tracks of the secondary particles of neutrons, which results in a simultaneous attack of the two strands by OH· radicals. These first two processes are both OH·-mediated and thus are sensitive to ethanol. The direct effect of fast neutrons and their secondaries (recoil protons, alpha-particles and recoil nuclei) can account for the remaining 15 per cent of dsb, not inhibited by 0·1 mol dm−3 ethanol.

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