Lack of Association of Cytomegalovirus Antibody Level with Carcinoma of the Uterine Cervix

Serum samples were collected from 199 patients attending a gynecological clinic, colposcopy specimens being taken at the same time for routine pathology of paraffin sections which ranged from normal, through the degrees of dysplasia to carcinoma in situ. Other parameters noted were age, number of pregnancies and time since last pregnancy. When level of antibody to cytomegalovirus in each serum sample was tested by enzyme linked immunosorbent assay, anticomplement immunofluorescence and neutralization, no correlation was found between antibody titer and pathological diagnosis. The only interdependence seen was that, as the age of the patients increased, so did the frequency of seropositivity to cytomegalovirus. Also in the group studied the frequency of carcinoma in situ was not age-dependent.