Associative priming in bilinguals: Some limits of interlingual facilitation effects.

The experiments reported here used a lexical decision task to examine how the prior visual presentation of a word from one of the bilingual''s languages can facilitate the identification of an associated word from the other language. The results show a different pattern of effects for intra- and interlingual conditions at two different SOAs (stimulus onset asynchrony). At a short SOA, no facilitation effect is observed between associated words from different langugages where facilitation is observed for associated words from the same language. At a long SOA, facilitation effects were found in both between- and within-language conditions, although the between language effect is clearly weaker. These results lend support to an explanation of associative priming effects observed with brief context word exposures as intralexical effects resulting from the transferof information along pathways between lexical representations. These links should be principally present within each of the bilingual''s two languages and not between them.

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