DNA Content of Beta vulgaris Chloroplasts during Leaf Cell Expansion

During the growth of beet leaves from 2 to 3 to 25 to 30 centimeters, the leaf cells increase in size, the average number of chloroplasts per cell increases from 11 to 65 and the amount of chloroplast DNA per cell increases from 1100 to 1900 plastome copies. The average number of copies of the plastome per chloroplast decreases from 104 in 2 to 3-centimeter leaves to 29 in 25 to 30-centimeter leaves during a period when the chloroplasts undergo two to three rounds of division and increase diameter from 1.5 to 4.9 micrometers. This result is at variance with previously published studies of beet chloroplasts but agrees with the conclusions reached in more recent studies of pea and spinach and wheat leaf cell expansion.