The female reproductive structures and their development, and the vegetative structure are studied in 17 species of red algae in the Cryptonemiales (Rhodophyceae). Three genera, Weeksia, Constantinea, and the type species of Leptocladia, are removed from the Dumontiaceae to a newly created family, the Weeksiaceae, because of differing postfertilization events leading to the development of the gonimoblast from a cell of the carpogonial branch. Three genera of Dumontiaceae are studied: Pikea, including P. californica, the type species, and Pikea robusta a newly described species; Dilsea californica, and a newly described species of Neodilsea, a genus heretofore known only from the northwestern Pacific. Two transfers are made from the genus Leptocladia, 1 to Farlowia, as F. conferta, and 1 to Rhodophyllis (Gigartinales) as R. peruviana. Three species in the Kallymeniaceae are redescribed: Kallymenia pacifica, a rare and nearly unknown species from southern California and adjacent Pacific Mexico; K. norrisii from central California; and K. oblongifructa from Washington, Oregon, and northern California.