The per locus influences biological rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster. In this study, per transcripts and proteins were localized in situ in pupae and adults. Earlier genetic studies have demonstrated that per expression is required in the brain for circadian locomotor activity rhythms and in the thorax for ultradian rhythmicity of the Drosophila courtship song. per RNA and proteins were detected in a restricted group of cells in the eyes and optic lobes of the adult brain and in many cell bodies in the adult and pupal thoracic ganglia. per products were also found in the pupal ring gland complex, a tissue involved in rhythmic aspects of Drosophila development. Abundant expression was seen in gonadal tissue. No biological clock phenotypes have been reported for this tissue in any of the per mutants, per protein mapped to different subcellular locations in different tissues. The protein accumulated in or around nuclei in some cells and appeared to be cytoplasmic in others.