Analysis of random and specific sequences of nuclear and cytoplasmic DNA in diploid and tetraploid American wild rice species (Oryzaspp.)

A sample of American wild rice and other accessions of the genus Oryza were studied at polymorphic regions of nuclear, mitochondrial, and chloroplastic genomes. First, flow cytometry, genome-specific RAPD markers, and chromosome counting were utilized to verify the original ploidy and classification of 230 accessions studied. Based on these methods, 8% of the accessions were considered to be misclassified either taxonomically or as a result of contamination. Second, a fine resolution analysis was conducted at genomic regions sampled at random by RAPD markers and at specific sites of the chloroplast and mitochondrial DNA by cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) analysis. Phylogenetic trees resulting from phenetic and cladistic analyses of RAPD, cpDNA, and mtDNA polymorphisms were obtained. The results indicated that the American diploid species O. glumaepatula should be considered an individual species, distinct from O. rufipogon, and confirmed that the American tetraploid species (O. alta, O. grandiglumis, and O. latifolia) belong to the O. officinalis complex. The data indicate that these species should still be treated as a group rather than as three distinct species and that their closest relative is a CC-genome species. It was estimated that the diploid and tetraploid American species diverged from O. sativa - O. nivara (AA genome) and CC- and BBCC-genome species, respectively, 20 million years ago.